Punto Convergente


The Global Catholic Climate Movement (GCCM) is a global network of 400+ member organizations and a community of thousands of Catholics like you, responding to the Pope’s call to action in the Laudato Si’ encyclical.

Research Volunteers
Research volunteers assist us in researching the following:

local organizations, political figures, and policy in a variety of communities and countries
examples of effective climate action, and
the impact of climate actions and policies.
This position suits people who are highly self-motivated and eager to use research and documentation skills to help Catholics engage in climate action in countries around the world. Time commitment: at least 5 hours per week.  Apply

Policy Volunteers
Policy volunteers assist us in identifying the following:

policies we should advocate for,
how different policies have been effective in different parts of the world, and
How to effectively achieve policy change.
Examples could include researching the legislative process in a specific state and laying out the policies that state is considering. Policy volunteers are welcome in regions including the United States, Poland, Italy, Australia. If you have interest and expertise in another region not mentioned here, please contact Marisa Vertees at marisa@CatholicClimateMovement.global  Time commitment:  5-10 hours per week. Apply

Data Volunteers
Data volunteers assist in entering data that was collected offline into GCCM’s online system.  Can be done remotely.  Data volunteers will require training on our online systems as well privacy practices. Time commitment: open-ended. Apply

Translation Volunteers
Translation volunteers translate GCCM materials from English to Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Polish. Translations are needed regularly and range from simple translations of headlines and directions to longer e-mails and toolkits. Translation volunteers will need to be available for clearly defined hours and work closely with our communications teams. Priority languages are ITALIAN and PORTUGUESE. Time commitment: 3-4 hours per week. Apply

Education and Resource Volunteers
Education volunteers help us find and organize resources on Laudato Si’ and Care for Creation, including Church documents, prayer resources, and study guides from other organizations. Time commitment: open-ended. Apply


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