Punto Convergente

Jefe de Prensa

Handle media relations to strengthen and build relationships among key business and automotive journalists and opinion leaders with the Company.
Generate and release meaningful content and information about the Company and its products and services in order to strength brand image and corporate reputation.
Coordinate product launches events and other media events to promote brand awareness.
Position requires an active social network activity to identify and promote a group of Brand PR influencers to promote our brand in Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, among others.


PR / Communication Expertise with social network skills.

Skills:Detailed writing, interpersonal skills, team-work, time flexibility, ability to work under pressure, analytical thinking.

Experience/Education:University bachelor’s in Communications, Public Relations or Journalism
English & Portuguese language (writing and speaking)
At least 5 year performing in a similar charge with media contact

Competencies:Functional Technical skills, Timely Decision Making, Priority Setting, Problem Solving, Organized

Location: Vicente Lopez, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Qué requisitos cumples

Criterios proporcionados por el anunciante del empleo
Responsable de relaciones con los medios de comunicación
Medios sociales
Sin coincidencia
Escenario prioritario
Sin coincidencia
Capacidad de análisis
Sin coincidencia
Sin coincidencia
Toma de decisiones
Sin coincidencia
Aptitudes para la comunicación
Nivel educativo
Bachelor’s Degree
Detalles del empleo
Nivel de experiencia
Algo de responsabilidad
Sector automovilístico
Tipo de empleo
Jornada completa
Funciones laborales


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