Crear, traducir y editar información de la base de datos sobre películas, TV shows, deportes, series y otros tipos de programas para Latinoamérica y el mercado hispano de Estados Unidos.
Escribir y reescribir sinopsis para películas, programas y episodios.
Investigar, confirmar y recopilar información faltante o inexacta sobre películas, programas y episodios.
Mantener información precisa en la base de datos y actualizar contenido obsoleto.
Asegurar la exactitud de la información de la base de datos.
Asegurar la entrega oportuna de información precisa y confiable.
Iniciar y mantener relaciones efectivas con proveedores de información de programación y canales.
Investigar y completar información como elenco, equipo de producción, premios y clasificaciones por edades.
Revisar y corregir entradas de la base de datos creadas por otras áreas del equipo de Contenido.
Sólidos conocimientos de gramática y ortografía del idioma español, con excelentes habilidades de comunicación escrita y verbal. Manejo de español neutro es deseable.
Ser capaz de traducir del inglés al español es un requisito excluyente.
Experiencia en periodismo, edición o traducciones será considerado un plus.
Perfil creativo y focalizado en la calidad, con alto nivel de atención a los detalles.
Ser capaz de trabajar con precisión dentro de plazos.
Conocimiento avanzado del entorno Windows y del paquete Office.
Ser organizado y poseer la capacidad de fijar prioridades por sí mismo.
Se requieren buenas habilidades de comunicación en inglés (verbal y escrito).
Data provides you with an opportunity to impact the evolution of the entire entertainment industry!
Gracenote is an information and technology provider powering the world’s top services and companies with leading databases of TV, movie, music and sports metadata. Our customers include innovators like Apple, Google, Spotify, M-GO and Hulu, top consumer electronics and cable companies such as LG, Comcast and DirecTV, as well as leading automotive manufacturers such as Ford and Toyota all over the world. Over the past 2 years, the company has grown to more than 1800 employees in 20 countries that share a true passion for data. Every day, Gracenote’s technology serves billions of requests to hundreds of millions of devices around the world. Simply put, we help people find, discover and connect with the entertainment they love.
We are presently looking for an Editor to be based in our Buenos Aires office, shift from 2 pm to 11 pm.
In This Role You Will
Creates, translates or edits database information for movies, TV shows, sports and other entertainment events for Latin America and US Hispanics markets.
Write and rewrite synopsis for movies, shows and episodes.
Investigate, confirm and document questionable program content through research.
Maintain accurate database information and provide updating of outdated information.
Ensure the accuracy of database information and authenticity of program information.
Ensure timely delivery of accurate and reliable information.
Initiate and maintain effective relationships with programming information providers and stations.
Research and populate information such as cast and crew, awards and ratings.
Reviews and corrects new show and movie records created daily in the Content department.
Requirements / Skills
Solid knowledge of the Spanish language grammar and spelling, with excellent written and verbal communications skills. Knowledge of Neutral Spanish preferred.
Must be able to translate from English to Spanish.
A background in journalism, copy writing or translation is a plus.
High quality focused individual with high level of attention to details.
Must be able to work accurately under deadlines.
Must have keyboarding and Windows/Office proficiency.
Must be organized and possess the ability of setting priorities on his own.
Good English communication skills (verbal and written) are required.
Our passion for music, TV, movies, and sports is at the heart of everything we do. But what really makes us tick is our people. From Emeryville to Sydney and Queensbury to Amsterdam, we are building the team that’s going to disrupt the digital universe. This starts by creating a workplace where all entertainment things are celebrated and innovation can come from anyone. If you are interested in being mission critical and on the leading edge of global entertainment technology then please contact us today!