We are hiring a Program Coordinator and a Communications and Outreach Coordinator to join our team in January 2022, and we would appreciate your help in sharing these opportunities with UCA students whom you think might be a good fit for either position. We ask for candidates to complete the application form by December 1, 2021.
- The PROGRAM COORDINATOR will manage the study abroad program, internship referrals, cultural activities, housing, and participant support. We are seeking a go-getter with high executive function who has excellent group management know-how, outstanding organizational skills, extreme attention to detail, and strong problem solving abilities. You should be incredibly likable and professional in person, over the phone, and by email, and you thoroughly enjoy connecting with diverse people in meaningful ways. The ideal candidate will have experience working with international students and will know Buenos Aires very well.
- The COMMUNICATIONS AND OUTREACH COORDINATOR will be responsible for content creation and promotional materials, marketing and targeted outreach, applicant recruiting and application analysis, participant communications, and social media. We need an excellent writer and a persuasive and engaging speaker. You need to be able to understand and adapt to different audiences – someone who can jive with undergraduate students and also speak as a colleague to university administrators. You should be a native English speaker and also have a strong connection to Argentina and/or Uruguay.
The complete job descriptions can be found here: